Hi, my name is Daniel van der Ende, and I'm a Software Engineer. My interests vary greatly, from frontend work, such as visualizations with d3.js to building awesome data pipelines. Generally speaking, all of these will involve open source technologies. In my small way, I try to contribute to the open source community as best I can. You can checkout my GitHub profile if you're interested in the source code.
My aim is always to learn something new when working on a side project, so I push my boundaries and keep my mind open to new and cool technologies.
This website showcases some of the (side) projects I have worked on in the past, or am currently working on. This page will be updated regularly to add or update projects as they come along. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch! :)

GitHub Data Challenge 2014
Who "speaks" what on GitHub?
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- D3.js
- BigQuery
For the GitHub data challenge I built three visualizations to dig into the user-language relationships that can be found in the GitHub data. Each visualization takes a different perspective of the data, allowing the user to interactively navigate through the data. A chord diagram gives an overall overview of which languages are most often "spoken" by users together (i.e. how many users that know language A also know language B). The second and third visualizations focus on querying the relationship between users and the programming languages they know.
Whether a user "speaks" a language is determined by the repositories a user has, and which language is the main language of the code in the repository. Unfortunately, the data available did not allow for a full language listing per repository to be obtained. To obtain the dataset, I used Google BigQuery with the GitHub dataset. It should be noted that the data is static, i.e. it has not been updated since the data extraction in mid 2014.
- CSS3
- JavaScript
- Python
- D3.js
VizServe is my current side project. It is still in active development. Updates soon to follow!